
About Me

My name is Beth Larrivée-Woods and I write literary fiction (whatever that is), magical realism, and good old-fashioned fantasy. Someday I'll write a science fiction novel too. I’m autistic and was late diagnosed. This is often the prism through which I view the world. I live on Vancouver Island with my husband, children, mother and an ever-changing rota of animals. 

Other things that may (or may not) be of note: I am sometimes irreverent, perverse, and I have a potty mouth. I nearly always wear dresses. I think dogs are the best earthlings. I really love and admire old stuff. I have hypermobile Ehler’s Danlos syndrome. Knitting keeps me sane.

About my Novels

I have spent more of my life than not, living with undiagnosed autism and Ehlers Danlos syndrome, coping with the fallout from my lack of self knowledge, and trying to keep up in a world that was not designed for me. I started writing when the sense of cognitive dissonance was getting to be too much for me. The Last Fairy Queen and Trinket were written before my diagnoses and then edited after. The Mythology of Childhood was written a few years after my diagnoses and is as close as I can come to a memoir at this time in my life. 

About the Covers

The cover art for The Last Fairy Queen and Mythology of Childhood is by Larissa Sayer,, @ravenhartstudio.

The cover art for Trinket is by Aurora Larrivée-Woods.